Sunday, November 10, 2013

It was over a year ago that I created this "new blog". This blog has pretty much remained "new" since then. Hmmm.. Life happens, yes. I have been busy as all hell, true. But I need to do this. I need this outlet. I miss my blogging days dearly. I miss my daily dose of inspiration from others. I need to be inspired so that I can continue to do amazing things for myself. 

Life has changed drastically in the last few months. This year started off somewhat rocky. I went through a depression that I didn't quite know how to deal with at the time. I made choices I shouldn't have made. I learned a lot of things the "hard way". But like I always say, one should not live with regrets, even if there are things that are quite regretful. Instead, I choose to learn from my mistakes and actually enjoy analyzing situations in hopes that I will learn more about myself and learn more about how I can be a better person.

This summer, I turned 30. It was a time of a lot of reflection for me. I thought about how rough my 20s were - partly due to my constant mistakes and my masochistic self apparently. It was a time of appreciation as well; I appreciate everything that is amazing in my life right now. While I recognized that I am stubborn and hard-headed to no end, I also recognized that I am truly blessed. I have a life that I can be proud of. I have accomplished great things with the support of few but amazing people nonetheless. 

With my 30th birthday came a new chapter of my life, the beginning of a new decade. I found a new home, a home that I can call my own. A home that I love. A home that I look forward to coming to after a long day at work. A home where I can be alone with my thoughts. A home where I can be myself.

It may have taken me a while to get here but I think it happened at the perfect time. I am in "that place" right now, that "right" place.

I look forward to my next ten years. I plan to make them be the best yet.

This is good for me.

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